
Legal Fee & Stamp Duty for Sale & Purchase Agreement , Loan

Legal Fee - Sale & Purchase Agreement/ Loan Agreement

Legal Fee Calculator

Legal Fee Calculation Formula

For the first RM500,000 1.0%
For the next RM500,000 0.8%
For the next RM2,000,000 0.7%
For the next RM2,000,000 0.6%
For the next RM2,500,000 0.5%
Subsequent Purchase Price Negotiable
(Subject to maximum 0.5%)
Property Purchase Price :
Subsequent Rate
( Max: 0.5% ) :
Total Legal Fees Payable :

Stamp Duty - Sale & Purchase/ Transfer

Stamp Duty Calculator
First RM100,000 1%
Next RM400,000 2%
Next RM500,000 3%
Thereafter 4%
Property Selling Price/
Market Value whichever is higher :

Total Stamp Duty Payable by Purchaser :

Stamp Duty - Loan

Stamp Duty Calculator
Stamp Duty Loan Calculation Formula
Loan Sum x 0.5%
Note: Please note that the above formula merely provides estimated stamp duty. The actual stamp duty will be rounded up according to the Stamp Act.
Property Selling Price/
Market Value whichever is higher :

Total Stamp Duty Payable by Purchaser :

Home Loan

Home Loan Calculator
Total Purchase Price (RM) :

Margin of Finance (%) :
Total Loan Amount (RM) :

Interest Rate (%) :
Loan Tenure (years) :
Monthly Installment (RM) :